Terms and conditions

The following Terms and Conditions apply to this website (www.arcticacres.com) and its affiliate sites (including www.arcticacres.ca) as well as all transactions and interactions conducted through these sites.

Your accessing this site implies legally you agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in this notice and other notices on the Arctic Acres website. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions periodically and without specific communication at its sole discretion.

Copyright and Protected Content

The media and information on this Web site is protected by copyright under Ontario provincial law, Canadian federal law, and international copyright law. Copyright © 2025 Arctic Acres, all rights reserved.

Unless specifically permitted; no portion of the media or information on this website, affiliate sites, or affiliated platforms (such as social media, landing pages, or other official sources) may be duplicated or edited in any form or by any means without prior written permission from Arctic Acres by an authorized representative.


General Copyright

Media and content generated by Arctic Acres, such as written content, web pages, communications (digital or otherwise), designs, photography, graphic images, video and audio content, or other forms of media, is the exclusive property of Arctic Acres, and is protected by Canadian and International Copyright laws.

You may use the content as an information resource only or for sharing and promoting within the restrictions mentioned herein. Any other use of this content in any quantity or manner, including modification, reproduction, distribution, or display is prohibited. The term and title Arctic Acres is protected by Copyright laws and may not be used without written permission from Arctic Acres Inc.


Using Website Content & Media

Unless otherwise indicated elsewhere on this website, you may view, copy, print, and distribute documents, content, or media available on this website subject to the following conditions:

  • The items may be used for personal, informational, non-commercial purposes;
  • The items may not be altered or modified in any form; Any copy of the document or portion thereof must include authorship and credit to Arctic Acres or the item’s labeled creator; and
  • Arctic Acres reserves the right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use shall be discontinued immediately upon written notice from Arctic Acres.

Any and all persons under 18 years of age must obtain the consent of their parents or legal guardians before using this website or submitting any information to this Site. Arctic Acres will adhere to this Privacy Policy in respect of any information submitted by minors, however the primary responsibility rests on parents and guardians to properly supervise their children’s use of this website or affiliated websites.

Arctic Acres will only collect, use or disclose information that personally identifies you as set out in our Privacy Policy unless in our opinion Arctic Acres is required by national and provincial law to protect the rights or property of Arctic Acres or any third-party, or to avoid injury to any person.


Our Products

Terms and conditions on our warranty, cancellation and return policy, or related information can be found on the Terms & Conditions – Products page. We welcome feedback and open communication, so feel free to send additional questions over to our staff at info@arcticacres.ca

We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions periodically and without specific communication at its sole discretion.